
Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Sunday Services, School, and our Shipment

There are so many days that I want to sit down and blog about everything that we are experiencing. However, there are many things that have been happening, and I don't have the time to write. Here is a short synopsis of some of the exciting things that have happened in the past weeks...

On Sunday afternoons at 4pm, we have our worship services. We have been fortunate to have 8-12 people attend each service. John is new to being a pastor and preaching every Sunday. Plus, we are new at leading an entire service. There have been a few hiccups with the computer and slide shows, but overall we have been able to worship the Lord with gladness. It is always exciting to see the different faces that show up on Sunday afternoon. There are the regulars and then the people just passing through. No matter if they come every Sunday or if they are new, it is great to fellowship with other believers.

 Eli and Ada started Kindergarten/Preschool on September 1st. In the Czech Republic, they do not officially start school until 1st grade. So, both Eli and Ada are attending a Kindergarten that is really like a preschool. They go from 8am-12:30pm. They can stay all the way up until 5:30pm, but I figure that a half day is enough. They only speak Czech at this school. There are a few teachers that know a little English, so that is a blessing. They have someone come in to teach the kids a little English and German, but I don't think it will be much. So, I plan to teach Eli and Ada English in the afternoons. I will start "English Homeschooling" in October. Right now things are still crazy with getting settled... 

It seems that Eli and Ada like school. The first week was a little difficult. The first couple of days the kids loved school. Ada was a little chatterbox after the first day. I think they really wanted to play with other kids their age. After a couple of days, Ada started crying and said that she did not want to go to school. I think this was mostly because she missed me. Eli and Ada have been with me since the end of May. If we were in the US, I think we would have had the same problem. It does make it difficult that everyone at the school speaks Czech. However, the kids have already picked up a few Czech words. I won't be surprised if they speak Czech by the end of the year.

Surprisingly, many of the parents have reached out to us! There is one father of a child in Ada's class that speaks English. (I think he is British.) I have not met him yet, but he sent his business card home with Ada. I have emailed him, and we plan to get our families together sometime soon. Yesterday, a mom started talking to me in English. She said if I needed anything to call her. So far, everyone has been pleasant to us. We are very thankful!!! Someday I will have to blog about the difference between Czech Kindergarten and US preschool. It is very different!

(The new foot attire you have to wear inside the building.)


We received our shipment from the United States last week!!! We were so excited to have our things. It felt like Christmas. It made me smile to unpack our everyday dishes. It seems like little things make me happy. I am so glad to be using more than 4 plates a day. The only sad thing is that some of my baking pans do not fit in the oven and some of our pans are too big for the stove. Oh, well. I am just glad that our things made it over the ocean.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Mom's Club Garden Party

Last week, we were invited to a "garden party" hosted by some of the moms in the Mom's Club at ESUMC Prague.  We were excited to meet some of the moms that we will be working with this year.  We had met some of them when we came in April to visit Prague and see if we wanted to move here.  I was eager to see how Eli and Ada would get along with the other children.

To get to the garden party, we had to take a train out of town.  Eli was thrilled to ride the train.  He had never been on a train before.  One of our friends had written down in Czech what tickets we would need.  That way if the person at the ticket counter would understand us even if they didn't know English.  Of course, the lady at the counter didn't know English, so I just showed her my little piece of paper.  She gave us some tickets and we were ready to go.  With about 10 minutes until the train was to arrive, we tried to figure out to which platform to go.  We could not figure it out.  We finally asked a young lady if she new English.  When she told us where to go, she said our train would come in 30 minutes.  The train we were suppose to take was to come in 8 minutes or so.  It took us a little time (and a little arguing between John and I) to figure out that the ticket lady gave us the wrong tickets!  With 4 minutes left, we hurried to the ticket desk.  With some gesturing and pointing, she realized she had made a mistake.  She quickly gave us new tickets, and we ran to catch the train.  They only give you 1 minute to board the train.  As we got to the platform, the train arrived!  Whoo!  We just made it in time.

The train ride was fun.  The train was a double decker so we rode on the top level.  The kids loved it. The view was beautiful as we watched the countryside roll by.  When we arrived at the train stop, one of the moms met us at the train stop.  She drove us to her house in the little village in which she lived.  It was great to be in a house again.  It really made me miss our house in Virginia.

We spend the majority of our time at the house talking and eating.  It was so nice to talk to other moms in English.  All the moms were great!  I can see myself becoming friends with them quickly.  They were also able to answer my questions like... Where do I get good quality clothes for the kids?  Where do I buy inexpensive, but good quality shoes?  The moms were so supportive and kind. The kids also had lots of fun playing outside.  Eli was able to play with a wooden sword and shield.  Ada found a new friend close to her age.

One of the highlights was eating dinner.  Our hosts had a swiss grill.  It is called a Raclette grill.  It was awesome.  As you can see in the picture, you can grill veggies and meat on top and cheese on the bottom.  We seriously are thinking of buying one.

We ate for a couple of hours just snacking on different types of cheese (some were stinky cheese!), veggies, and chicken.  It was definitely relaxing and enjoyable.  We felt right at home.  They truly knew how to make us feel welcome.

I can't wait until the end of September when we meet again.